Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Return of the Plumbers

Today marks the start of the enterior work for the bathroom addition.

The former laundry room has been cleared out. We got all the cabinets demoed, the carpert removed, and most impressively, all of our stuff stashed elsewhere in the house. Which left a blank canvass for the new bathroom, laundry room, and storage space. We modified our layout, opting to put the bathroom on the back wall (where the laundry used to be) and create a new and seperate room for all that laundry and cleaning business. On the positive side, this will allow us to add in a wash tub, which I'm sure I will use for dishes once we tear into our kitchen. The downfall is that we will have to immediately deal with the removal of the window 'cause a shower is going in its place.

As I type this, the plumbers are tearing into our walls, jack hammering our floor, and doing all that they need to do to gain access to set the new water and waste lines. They expect to spend three days here. At the end of that time the rough-in plumbing will be complete, and our work will begin again.

For now, I'm off to Home Depot and the Tile for Less (the only tile store I know of that has a bunny).

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